Saturday, December 26, 2009

reason's your the best

1. You like Target and Tiffany about equally
2. You offer to babysit, and-yep-actually do.
3. When you borrow a dress, you return it-dry-cleaned.
4. You tell your bestfriend when she has spinach in her teeth(instantly fixable), but when she's gained five pounds(you know she already knows).
5. You're the kind of person who realizes that the airport security people-breathe, calm-are just doing their job.
6. You don't post pics where you look great and everyone else looks nauseous.
7. You dance, giggle, hug, sing, curse, cry(emote!), so no one's left wondering how you're feeling.
8. You give great birthdays
9. You aren't perfect...but then none of the best people are.